
Unified Adobe Open Source and PWA platform elevates with enhanced customer experience.

Stran - Zest Logic

Modern solutions, timeless results: Stran's E-commerce evolution

Introduction, a prominent distributor of promotional products and branded merchandise, ranks among the top 50 in a competitive market of over 30 thousand companies in the USA. With expertise in managing complex marketing programs across various industries, Stran faced challenges managing multiple websites effectively due to a heterogeneous codebase.
The promotional products and branded merchandise industry demand a unified and scalable platform for various websites with distinct logic and functionality.
Stran aimed to achieve the following objectives:

Unified Platform Implementation
Replace outdated platforms like Magento 1 and WebJaguar with a unified solution for effective website development.

Scalability and Upgradability
Create a platform capable of scaling and upgrading multiple websites with diverse logic and functionality.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction
Offer a better shopping experience to visitors with improved website performance and features.




Stran chose Adobe Open Source + PWA solutions for platform implementation and updates after a comprehensive study of their business project. The decision was based on several key reasons, including Magento's suitability for multi-website environments and the client's familiarity and satisfaction with Magento's performance.

Advantages of Magento PWA

  • Native app-like experience with features like offline access and push notifications.
  • Optimal website speed, stability, and user experience.
  • Increased conversions, retention, and loyalty.



The implementation process involved various enhancements:

Order Approval Process

  • Added "Order reason" and "Order denial" fields for more detailed order information.
  • Provided managers with additional data for decision-making, including reward points, gift cards, coupons, and extra fees.

Custom Logic Implementation

  • Modified category pages to include both products and CMS blocks with additional information.

  • Improved site browsing convenience, allowing customers to return to the same place after viewing a product.
  • Enhanced order visibility by briefly displaying the minicart after adding a product.
  • Modified the checkout page, allowing you to manage texts from the admin panel, footer, and copyright blocks.

  • Added the ability to modify the order success page.
  • Implemented the ability to set a minimum quantity of products available for purchase.

A strategic collaboration plan was established for a 3-month collaboration, including weekly strategic planning meetings. The documentation and estimates were provided after gathering all necessary information, and the long-term partnership is envisioned for the next 5-6 years.

Stran's journey to a unified platform showcases the transformative power of strategic collaboration and innovative technology adoption. The implementation of Magento PWA and custom enhancements addressed immediate challenges and set the stage for a modern and effective e-commerce platform for years to come.

For inquiries or to explore similar solutions for your business, feel free to contact us.

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Talk with us

If you have any questions or problems in your business that can be solved with technical solutions, just let us know. We'll do everything we can to help you.