
Adobe tells about B2B trends in 2022.

Adobe tells about B2B trends in 2022

This month Adobe published a report based on its annual survey. This year they gathered responses from 814 B2B executives working in manufacturing and technology industry branches. The answers were collected from the 11th of November 2021 to January 6th, 2022.

The gathered information shows a few noticeable trends. First of all, there is a noticeable growth in online sales.  For example, 71% of B2B leaders mentioned growth in online sales among the existing customers. Also, 65% state they are gaining new customers who buy using digital channels. It shows how important the ability to sell online is. And in 2021, 73% of B2B companies stated that they are offering the ability to purchase via the Internet. Such a situation was likely caused by a pandemic because, in 2020, only 55% of B2B companies were offering the ability to purchase online.

And even although the health risks are slowly decreasing, most of the merchants (56%) are ready to keep developing the digital services. According to the replies of 60% of the B2B organizations, the main areas to improve are:

  • better responding to opportunities;
  • improved collaboration with IT;
  • innovation in meeting customer needs.

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