
What are the current trends in website design for 2024?

What are the current trends in website design for 2024?

Do you want to know what web design trends will be in 2024?

Do you want to outpace your competitors and be the first to use innovations that no one else knows about yet?

As an IT company that has been in existence for over 17 years and is also involved in web design, we have observed how trends quickly disappear while others establish themselves and endure.

That`s why today, based on our experience, we have conducted research and made forecasts for you regarding web design trends in 2024.

Here are the top 8 web design trends for 2024

  • A Brighter Future of AI-Powered Website Design

The future of website design is all about AI, and it's set to bring significant changes to various industries. Learning how to use artificial intelligence to enhance your website can give your business a boost. Let's explore the benefits in a simpler way:

- AI and machine learning help create custom user experiences. By analyzing user data and behavior, designers can make websites that adapt to what customers want. This makes the user experience better by showing the right content and interactions;

- AI takes care of repetitive tasks like making prototypes, tagging images, and creating content. Designers can then focus on more creative work and strategic aspects of web design;

- AI can predict user behavior by analyzing data. This gives businesses valuable insights for creating precise and effective marketing campaigns;

- AI-powered chatbots are changing customer service. They don't just answer questions; they also give recommendations and can handle transactions without needing human intervention.

  •  Interactive Designs

Creating websites where the user can interact creates a more immersive navigation, which in turn improves the user experience. Working with animation, interactive maps and infographics, video, and even online calculators is a trend that will play an important role in 2024.

  • Behavioral Design

You can notice that many people were lazy without apps for fitness, reading, and the like. After installing such software, active walking, controlling weight, calories, and one's own general well-being using real numbers began. It gives motivation, forming useful habits. Adding rewards, badges, etc. to the software helps improve the app experience. This kind of example is behavioral design, making the user experience more interesting by triggering specific actions and behaviors.

When working with a site or app, the user decides to perform certain actions, forming habits. The behavioral design combines:

  • psychology;
  • design;
  • technology;
  • creativity.

All the described parameters help to determine the reasons for certain actions of people. There are enough products on the market that use behavioral design thinking.

  •  Ultra Minimalism: Streamlined Simplicity

Ultra-minimalism takes traditional minimalism to the extreme. Some designers believe in keeping websites as clean and essential as possible, displaying only the most crucial information. The "ultra-minimalism" trend aims to enhance the user experience and speed up page loading times.

  • Focus on Product Photos

Photos are playing a bigger role in our lives, especially in e-commerce, where they practically sell themselves. In 2024, regardless of the industry—whether it's cosmetics, fashion, or furniture—photos will take center stage.

Using prominent product photos on a website provides quick insight into the product and its features. This not only makes the user experience more efficient but also boosts sales since there's no need to search through numerous images. Everything becomes instantly visible as soon as you visit the site.

  • Gamified Design

In 2024, you'll see gamified design more frequently, making it a popular and sought-after trend. Gamification is a clever way to add a human touch to the user experience. For instance, as soon as you land on the homepage, you'll have a unique and memorable interaction with the content.

Gamification isn't just about fun; it's a smart approach that encourages more user engagement.

  • Small Yet Impactful: Micro-Interactions and Micro-Animations

In 2024, web design will be enriched by the presence of micro-interactions and micro-animations. These tiny but meaningful details offer feedback, assist users, and infuse vitality into the design. Whether it's a button changing color when you hover over it or a subtle scrolling effect, these micro-interactions elevate user involvement and make browsing a more enjoyable experience. Web designers will thoughtfully weave these micro-elements into their designs to infuse them with character and allure, delivering a memorable and immersive encounter for website visitors.

  • Voice User Interface (VUI) 

VUI design is on the ascent, driven by the increasing prevalence of voice search and virtual assistants. This evolution necessitates a transformation in the strategies employed by web designers, as they will need to accommodate voice-based interactions within their designs.

This adaptation will encompass the integration of voice-controlled elements into websites, enabling users to effortlessly navigate, search, and engage with content through spoken commands. In the realm of VUI design, designers will give careful thought to critical considerations such as natural language processing, conversational interfaces, and audio feedback.

These elements will be instrumental in crafting intuitive and user-friendly voice-driven experiences. Ultimately, VUI design is poised to reshape the way users interact with websites, rendering them more accessible and convenient for a broader and more diverse audience.

"In addition, another crucial aspect is the social trend of accessibility.

In the digital world, inclusive UX design is becoming increasingly important and valuable. Developing products or services with universal accessibility is essential. All these aspects should be considered when designing applications and websites, with a focus on the needs of the end user. Currently, widgets that assist with website interactions are very popular. They allow customization according to individual preferences, such as increasing text size or cursor adjustments, for example. Such interfaces with assistive technologies help people with disabilities work comfortably and without discomfort, - Roksolana Protsenko, product designer at Zest Logic.


These are the main trends that, according to our research, will be observed in 2024. You can already analyze what you should consider implementing in your online business. If you need assistance from professionals who can provide you with not only trendy but also business-effective solutions, please leave your contact information, and our expert will advise you.

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