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Sustainable, digital, and inclusive: Ecommerce Europe's Manifesto defines the next chapter for European сommerce

Sustainable, digital, and inclusive: Ecommerce Europe's Manifesto defines the next chapter for European сommerce - Zest Logic

In a significant move this January, Ecommerce Europe has revealed its Manifesto for the upcoming European Parliament elections scheduled for June 2024. This strategic document not only sets forth a compelling vision for the retail of the future but also outlines key policy priorities for the next EU mandate.

Luca Cassetti, Ecommerce Europe’s Secretary General, emphasized the critical juncture the European Union finds itself in, stating, "The next European elections and mandate will have a decisive impact on our ability to transition to a more circular and digital economy." Acknowledging the e-commerce sector's substantial contribution over the past five years, particularly during the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Cassetti stressed its potential to be a driving force behind a fairer, more competitive, sustainable, and digital economy in the next five years.

Ecommerce Europe's Manifesto highlights key principles crucial for the future of retail and the retail of the future. One fundamental principle is the call for equal treatment of online and offline channels from a regulatory perspective. This parity is seen as essential to foster the development of omnichannel solutions and maintain predictability and coherence within the sector.

Concrete policy priorities outlined in the Manifesto include closing the loop on the EU Circular Single Market, streamlining data requirements for business compliance and growth, leveraging digital tools for consumer information, and ensuring a streamlined taxation policy with a seamless flow of goods.

Ecommerce Europe advocates for sustainable practices, proposing harmonized definitions and rules on waste management and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) to support the circular economy. Additionally, the manifesto suggests leveraging digital tools for labeling and product information to reduce packaging waste and enhance consumer information.

The importance of harmonizing Member States' approaches to VAT exemptions and creating stability in the direct taxation system is emphasized to avoid legal uncertainty. Ecommerce Europe underscores the need for a competitive, convenient, and inclusive payment method, calling for boosting competition in the EU retail payment market and designing a digital euro.

In conclusion, the Manifesto for the European Elections 2024 provides a comprehensive vision for the future of digital commerce in Europe. By emphasizing sustainability, leveraging digital tools, and ensuring streamlined policies, Ecommerce Europe aims to drive a fairer, more competitive, sustainable, and digital economy in the next five years. The Manifesto underscores the commitment of Ecommerce Europe to collaborate with policymakers and stakeholders to enhance the European Union's global competitiveness in the digital commerce sector.

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