
PHP 8.1.0 Beta 2 is available for testing


PHP team continues their work on the PHP 8.1 release cycle. 

The new version - 8.1.0 Beta 2, became available last week, containing many bug fixes. Although this is still a beta version, it is strongly recommended not to use it on any live projects. The primary purpose of this release is to provide the environment for all the new projects created with PHP 8.1 in mind. The developers will be able to work with the latest version of the language and prepare their projects for the upcoming release, which is scheduled for the end of November 2021.

The new Beta version contains bug fixes and no new features, primarily since feature freeze was performed between Alpha 3 and Beta 1 stages at the end of July. You may learn about the bug fixes in the NEWS file at the Github repository of the project.

As for all the features scheduled for the new release cycle - they are also available in the repository so that you may learn more in the UPGRADING file.

The next version (Beta 3) will be available later this month (around the 19th of August).

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