
DHL Express predicts B2B transaction growth


A new white paper released by DHL Express predicts that about 80% of all B2B interactions will be performed in digital space. The company states that the reason is millennials, who were powering the digital trends during the lockdown.

According to the data provided by DHL Express, the B2C sector of eCommerce in their network in 2020 grew by 40% compared to the previous year. The overall number of shipments reached 484 million USD, and the revenue of DHL Express increased by 11.9%.

The B2C segment grew up as well. According to the data provided by the company, global B2B revenue in the eCommerce segment in 2020 reached more than 12.2 trillion USD. The company predicts further growth, up to 20.9 trillion dollars in 2027.

According to the whitepaper, Leendert van Delft, vice president of global sales programs and global e-commerce for DHL, states that the generation of millennials drives the digitalization of B2B. They are making around 73% of all the purchases in the business-to-business sector.

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